Thursday, May 5, 2011

San Diego County Third-Person Paragraph

When people go to the beach they usually wear bikinis because the weather is hot. Another reason people wear bikinis is because there's an ocean that they can swim in. People rather wear as less clothes as possible because when they get in the ocean the preasure of the water makes the clothes sag which is not a good thing. A lot of families goes so that's one of the reasons why you have towear some clothes. When families goes and little kids want to go in the ocean the parents have to watch the little kids because the current can take the kids little by little. Anyone can drown in the ocean so everyone has to be carefull when they go to the beach that's why there are a lot of lifeguards.


  1. Good job, best friend.
    I really like your post because we wrote about the same thing. I'm happy your doing your homework.

  2. This is a little random. It looks like you did it in a hurry. :-(
